Ok now this morning says I have to become a gold member again. I did that last month and paid the 1.99 and then I see on bank account that they charged me the pull price also two days later and now cannot get in again. What is going on. And they never once answer an email to the help desk. Anyone else having this problem too.
The 1.99 is ony good for 1 week,The 2 payments you see is probally 1 for authorization, which should drop , and the other charge is for the next month-check your credit card daily to see if the authorization has dropped off- if you dont cancel they will charge your credit card for the next full month, i would advise you to take your credit card off the account, if it still shows 2 payments, or check you membership account to see if you were credited the 2 months
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No Title -> -> cannot get in again and already paid twice