I am getting ready to reformat my laptop so I thought I would upgrade to internet explorer 7. After I did I could no longer get into holdem. The button would go away when I clicked on it. I also have Firefox browser on my computer so I changed to Firefox and bingo right into holdem. Now I have older version of firefox so new one may or may not work for you but its worth a try. Here is the page for it:
I dont use IE anymore I went to Mozilla 2 and eventually went to Firefox 3. My browseing is faster and more secure I have noticed. Microsoft 6 was my last update and never went to IE 7 as I had heard there were a lot of problems. Microsoft will be changeing both there browser and a new OS by middle of next year. There new browser is still in early Beta stage and PC world ranks Firefox 3 as the number 1 top browser and if I was to have a secondary browser I would choose Opera. I understand it is a very good browser. I would also like to express my condolences to Liztilby and her family.May god be with her Rocketman