For months now you have been harrassing me in any way you can and now you have won. I will no longer be playing in texas holdem. So you finally won what you have set out to do. Geoff you should really be proud of yourself. I have done what I could when you come into room I leave. Now I notice you have got Meyer involved in your actions. I see you have taken to sit in the chair that you know I like if it is not you then it is meyer or one of your other friends. I do hope that you enjoy the mess you have made and the misery you have caused me. I do hope that you think about how much you have hurt me and will reconsider before you start picking on some other people You have also got people to copy everything I say and do also. I have tried but now that you have copied my every move I now notice people who have never done it are now doing it. You have done a great job of harrassing me at everything you can. All of this started when Peanut did a good job of letting others know in forum that the chair was mine and that is when you started harrassing me. I also notice that others who have never sat in that chair have also taken to sitting in that chair only because of what has been said or done by you and others. This morning I notice that Cricket has taken to that chair also and now I have reached the end of the harrassment. So have fun and remember that you are hurting others by your actions. And what hurts most is that you have always tried to make it look like it was my fault. You may think you have convinced others that it was me the I know that it is only those that you have convinced not the ones who really know me that know what has been going on for the past few months and that brings me joy to know that they do not blame me for what has been going on. I only wanted to be able to come into the room and have fun and meet with my friends but you have seen to it that it will no longer be a fun place to be anymore. So Thank YOU All of you jealous women who have nothing better to do but harrass innocent people.
Ok, I can no longer sit quiet & read about this childish chair business any longer.
I did not realize that we had chairs assigned to us in Cashbreak. If we do, I would like to know which one is mine because I jump all over the place when I am in the poker rooms.
If I see a chair that is vacant & I choose to sit in it, then it is mine until I run out of chippies & someone else takes it over. I have never seen anyone's name posted on a chair.
So, can we please stop whining about this foolishness & just sit in another chair if you want to play the game.
its not that we have names on chair but all the regulars know we perfer certain chairs and out of respect MOST ppl would give it up to that person n move to another chair.Its all about respect mfs
If it is about respect, then a person should not hog a chair. They should also have respect and let others use that chair too because there is no one's name on it.
Respect goes both ways and all I've been reading in this forum is that people expect the respect to go only one way.
I have nothing else to say expect that, if there is an empty seat in the room when I'm there, I will sit in it no matter what or 'whose' seat it is.
you all act new.gmom u use to have a fav. all of a sudden ur on this kick. then u wonder y ppl leave the room n open another one.we all pay to play .
Well, we can have fun and play. I sit and play whereever. And if you want to h ave more fun, then stop the nonsense. Just sit and play. I am getting annoyed that I have become the "bad guy" when I have done nothing but disagree with Dar and her tactics. A chair is a chair is a chair.
And what you two are carrying on about is downright foolish, and I am ashamed of myself for even addressing this issue.
Ok, My opinion of it all is.... Nobody should be fighting over a stupid site. We all should Love one another, because of this crazy world. You never know when the last day may be. Now, If i was in the seat that i know someone really really loved it. I myself would move out of it with dignity and respect. I don,t care if i have a wining seat or not. My friends mean more to me then any chips, or game. Sure, if there is no one around for awhile play in the seat you like. But,,, If you happen to see the person who plays in the same seat all the time and all the time, Just say, Oh hi there my friend, I,m going to move so you can have a turn. Hey lifes to short everyone. We need to be close, and love one another. Now i bet my opinion don,t mean much to alot of you. But i can at least say i tried. Gram, If i,m ever in your seat and i see you waiting to get in, I,ll move out and wait for another chair. Because I know thats a favorite. Everyone to their own opinion, I just wanted to say mine. I,m sorry if it upsets anyone. I try to get along with everyone. PS: I like the bottom seat lol hint hint
Judging by what I have seen from Geoff it seems like you cannot get the message at all Both Rain and I have gone to great lengths to stay out of room when you are in there but you have no respect at all for anyone. I knew it would end up being like this where you attack people when they show an opinion and it does not match what you think is your opinionl. Then you have the nerve to tell us to get a life. What do you think you have been doing. At one time I did respect you but since you have retired you have done nothing but make life miserable for others. Perhaps you should sit back and think about what you have done before you sit and criticise others for having opinions that are not the same as yours. I am only saying this as you have carried it on long enough. I will admit that I do favour that char and am not ashamed to admit to it. If I come into room and it is not available I will go to a room where it is. You are not the innocent one at all in this and to attact us just because we do not agree is not right either. Before you retired we coudl all go into a room and have fun but that is gone now. I do not like it this way either so I have decided that it is not worth causing a fight so will stay away. And that is my opinion and I do hope you can at least respect it and do not run the rest of us down just because we do not agree with you. You are entitled to your opinion as the rest of us are. If you have any shame it should be that you are the cause of it.
what is the matter Geoff you have to go to name calling One thing I set out to do was let others see you for what you really are. I did not call you names like you did to me. Just because I do not agree with your remarks I suddenly become the ranting lunatic. One thing I can say is that we used to have lot of fun in the room until you started. I am hoping that one day we can get the room where it used to be fun to be in. Enjoy your life I am not going to waste my time anymore. People can now see you for what you are. I am going to enjoy my time with my friends