As a wife of an army veteran who serves God and served his country for over 21 years, I am appalled at the new membership application changes for the VFW. The word God has been removed from all applications. The changes were made by a handful of VFW leaders, not the entire membership. The VFW was formed in the Name of God and our soldiers. We have so many young men and young ladies fighting in a war... knowing they are praying to God for their safe return home as well as family and friends back home.
In my state..The VFW has always assisted military veterans, such as providing them with wheelchairs, crutches, raising money for them, providing them transportation back and forth to the VA, etc. The VFW meetings are always open with a prayer and they are closed with a prayer. The VFW is one of the first organizations to raise donations for people not just members who have lost their home due to fire or a tornado, burn patient, cancer patient, etc. The members pull together as a whole.
I do hope all members and non-members of the VFW continue to support this organization. They do good work for so many people that are in need of assistance. The members are upset the word GOD has been removed and will continue to use the word GOD no matter what the changes are. You think you know someone when you vote for them, but after they are elected their true being comes out, shame on the elected leaders of the VFW.
Wake up true Americans, God and His Word was here before us and will be after us. Speak out in your Church, speak out in your community. Too many people sit back and let others speak for all. You can say, "well, I don't know who to contact". When an elected official receives numerous emails or phone calls regarding the same 'opinion' something is done. The same with any organization, business, etc. (excluding CB). It's a shame a handful of people are trying to do away with God. You don't have to be a VFW member to voice your opinion. Also, for you that don't know. You have a complaint about what is going on in your city or state, send emails to your elected city or state officials. No matter if it's a small complaint or a big complaint. The more emails that is received or phone calls, the more they will pay attention to what is being said.
Have a great day, May God watch over our soldiers God bless you all
AS widow of ww2 combat vet I agree wholeheartedly. God has been taken out of everything except our hearts and there he will stay forever. I honor all who presentlt serve and those who have servered in past. Without these brave people and their families we would not be as free as we are. Unfortunately those freedoms are being eroded more quickly than most realize.GOD BLESS AMERICA.