Yep thats what someone said the other night in holdem. Not to me but someone else. They also called them greedy. I could not believe such rudeness. I have feeling that this is the same person who has many accounts. Cashbreak should start banning people by ip addresses so these kind of people are not alloed to play anymore.
rudeness is nothing new in texas holdem...l have had several run ins with ppl.....there are a small number of troublemakers that like to tick off others for the sheer pleasure of it... they don't care how many ppl they leave fuming and if u express ur feelings about it u become a regular target for them......reporting them doesn't help and has got out of hand....mck was reported and muted and for revenge she went on a rampage and had several others muted for nothing and threathened everyone else.....l'm not a violent person but if holdem was a virtual reality game l'm sure l would 've jump the table a few times and smacked somebody