Wow, Sisiden ( Applebutt) Ya can,t hide from us. I don,t belong to Cashbreak anymore, and i sure am glad of that. I could NEVER do what your doing to friends. Oh Wait A Sec, You Don,t Have Any Friends lol Just your family. I hear your all taking over cashbreak, lmao Haven,t you heard they are not paying lol. Your a Joke!!!! What kind of Program do you use when your in Poker??? Alot of people know that your cheating BUtt....Ya just can,t go in for an hour, and get on that poker board, Everyday. I saw many that has played for hours and hours and couldn,t get on. But you, One Hour. same room 90% of the time. Again ,, Your a Joke. Why don,t you and your family let other people have a chance to win nothing...... Get a Life!!!! I remember what you had said to me a long time ago, Pratice what you speak... I will be checking out the boards in Tri Peaks and Slots besides Poker, just to see how your doing. lmao 15 wins since the begining of the year, between you and Welderay, and Djslick.. Cool Famiily Fun...Aw come on now Applebutt, You can beat 2840 in tripeaks this week can,t ya???/lollolololololol
WTG Lilpeanut!!!! I was wondering when others were going to finally voice their opinion on this bunch of cheaters. I quit cashbreak because of them. And if this site cannot see what is going on then they really are a crooked site. Maybe these people are settling for a cut in the pot because no one else gets their money. I miss the site because I met alot of very nice people on here but why throw your money away on a cheating site. Proud of you lilpeanut for voicing your opinion.
To be exact Sisinden has won 8 times herself this year. 7 of them since March. From March 11 to May 5th 51 times on poker board with lowest score about 68k. I can prove what I am saying. If you want proof I can e mail it to you. Poker is not an easy game to play unless you can just go in and play 1 hour a day and make the board like her. I dont know about everyone else but my hand and muscles hurt after playing for an hour. I was in room with her 41 minutes and she hit nothing but got score of close to 70k. { I can prove this too} Unlike most people she wants a room by herself so people cant see what is is not getting so to speak. Since we are getting paid all we play for is high score and that is being taken away from us too. This weeks score is EXACTLY the same as last week. What are the odds of that happening, million to one?
Someone beat her score with 180000 or something like that so lets see if she beats that one. If she does I hope everyone just get irrate. Pretty hard to explain two high scores in one week then I would say. Just another reason why I quit paying to get ripped off.
There are cheaters everywhere! On Pogo I played on a game called Boardwalk Seaball and ppl in the room i was got amazing scores almost impossible, well i think impossible to get humanly talking!!!
I know there's existing a auto-program for this game and that's why ppl got amazing scores.