I sent them a Regular letter last week. I also told asked them about what,s up with us getting 4 letters and still nothing done about it. I sent them pic,s of cashbreak of every pic i could get of it. I also went and told them about this fourm, and also, I told them to use my username and all to get in to CB if they wanted to see things and check it out. I said that something has to be done now. I told them that alot of people are afraid that if they quit, they won,t get their money owed to them. I must have sent about 20 pages of the pictures i took of everything in here at CB. I,m tired of a company that will only answer to any email that has to do with money they owe people, by adding it to their account, but not paying. Wonder what they will say when they see the page i sent that has will receive their moeny in 8-10 weeks.. and the one that i sent when i was late on a payment and what they sent to me about my account. Something may get done now. I sure hope so.. I,m waiting for a letter back from them anyday now. I,ll let you know when i get it. Sure hope knowone is mad about me sending them that letter. If so, Sorry, But enough is enough
Mad at you? Heck no! I'm proud of you. Cashbreak has gotten away with not paying winners for way too long. I may never see my money, but I'd love to see the justice of them being shut down if they refuse to pay. It's just not right and I'm sure they get new suckers to sign up everyday. Way to go~