Unfortunately I can only prove my two Keno wins from 4/13/07 for $121.45 and $100.03 and my recent Yearly Hexxagon Tournament win 7/28/08 of $100.00. I can't find proof of the $25.00 monthly Hexxagon win last August, nor the $25.00 auction win, nor $100.00 yearly Hexxagon tournament win 7/28/07. That kind of sucks, but I guess being able to prove the $321.48 in winnings is better than nothing. I guess I'll wait another couple of months before filing since cashbreak claims they pay in 8 to 10 weeks, so theoretically, that last win isn't really due to pay yet.
If anyone is owed money from cashbreak write to the attorney general in your home state..I did and I sent in my copy of my letter where cashbreak that I won the 100.00 auction and a copy of the email they sent me when they recieved my check and any other document that you have as proof..Evidently my state sent it on to the attorney general of North Carolina and today I got a letter from them and they sent the copies that I sent to the attorney general from Pa. and sent them on to RDK net and gave them 10 days to respond...So i'll see if anything is done about it...I also said cashbreak should be investigated as they are still charging for membership but not paying their winners...I don't know if I will get my money but it was worth a try. So if anyone is owed money maybe this will be a good way to get them to pay money we are owed...I'll let you all know if I hear anything back..
I have proof of my two Keno wins 4/13/07...but I'd love it if you have my $100.00 yearly tournament Hexxagon win from July 2007, plus my $25.00 monthly Hexxagon win from July or Aug of 2007, plus I won an auction for $25.00 sometime in 2007. I think that was everything (until my $100.00 yearly tournament Hexxagon win July 2008. I have proof of that.) I no longer pay for gold. Just last month I emailed them (AGAIN) and said I would no longer pay for gold until I receive my winnings (like they care!) If I can get all that documentation, I'll go forward with filing with the Attorney General. Do you really have all the win info? How did you manage that?
I hardly ever delete my results, I need your name instead of your username. I can email them to you. You have any dates? That will help or i will be going threw over 3,000 emails lol Also what state you in. I,ll do my best to help you. I sent all mine in and got mail back from the Attorney General. I will be hearing something soon on mine.
I'd rather not post too much personal information for the world to see.
I don't know when the auction win was, sorry.
The $100 yearly Hexxagon win was around 7/28/07 I think....and the monthly Hexxagon win was around 8/28/07 I think.
I appreciate your help. It will be nice to get more than just the two keno win amounts. If it's too hard to find the auction win, I can live without that $25.
With a tremendous helping hand from Lilpeanut, I have completed and mailed my complaint to the North Carolina's Attorney General's office. Lilpeanut still had the Cashbreak results emails from July and August 2007 which has enabled me to request $125.00 more than I could have with my own records. She also had the required Attorney General's complaint form and filled most of it in for me. Thanks so much Lilpeanut!!!
I'll let you all know when I hear back from them. Maybe I'll see that cash by Christmas. Hey, a girl can dream...can't she?
Hey Whiteice....how long was it from the time you sent your complaint to the Attorney General's offce till you got your check from cashbreak? I got the one letter from the Attorney General copying me in on the letter they sent to Cashbreak with my official complaint....telling Cashbreak they have 10 days to respond. Was it months after that? Now that I think it is possible I'll really see my winnings, wondered how long it took you. Did anyone else here that registered a complaint with the Attorney General's Office get their money? How long did it take you after filing your complaint? Thanks again for all your help Lilpeanut.
So maybe not in time for Christmas, but I'll be happy whenever I see it. I wonder how much longer Cashbreak will continue their non-payment policy before they get in bigger legal trouble or just fold up and go away... It's a shame they couldn't stay the way they were six years ago when you got paid in a timely fashion and everyone in chat was friendly and nice. Oh well...