I wouldnt have Vista if you gave it to me. XP home and pro which I have both is rated as the best OS that microsoft put out and now it is no longer available for pc's.....only for laptops. Vista came out with a SP1 and it didnt help much at all. There comeing out with a SP2 at end of this year and if it helps more power to them. Microsoft 7 OS is comeing out middle of next year along with there new web browser 7 I think which is in early beta stage now. Im for Mozilla Firefox 3 which they just came out with and made the Guiness World book of Records for the most downloaded software. Over 2 million people downloaded it. I rest my case Rocketman
I agree with Firefox. People on here who have trouble getting into holdem should download it. I had both browsers on other computer and had to use Firefox to get into holdem. Speaking of holdem, it uses flash player correct. All others games use shockwave player. Am I right? If so that is why people can do other games but not holdem. Its a flash player problem, not a shockwave problem.