This is how they screwed me out of my gold membership. There were takeing 7.95 out of my acct for over 4 years and all of a sudden they didnt get there money out of my acct and proceeded to send me an email saying they didnt get it, I call BS on the whole situation. SOAB when is the Florida State Atty General gonna take action against these slimeballs? When Hell freezes over?? The more I read about this whole situation the more I would like to go to Florida and knock on that slimeballs residence and take my 19" Pakistani knife and cut off this pedophiles and child molesters nads (bobbit style) . Rocketman
Thank you for the good work that you have done.If you want your very welcome to post your info on my actitivy board. Numbers of people the pass weeks have asked me the address to where your work was at and I have sent a lot of people here to read this legal infomation in your post. Once again thank you for caring as you do for other people and innocent little children.