As you know I am a player in Texas Holdem and I admit that I have a favourite chair where I try and sit when I go into Texas Holdem. We were just starting to get players back into Texas Holdem since it was down for so long but for the way things look right now I will not be back in there because of 3 players who are in there. In one incidence on Saturday night I was in my chair and ran out of chips I jumped out of my chair to get more chips and tried to get back in but this one player who knows very well that is where I sit just jumped in and took over my chair for the rest of the evening. I will admit that I was very upset about that and did say to her to enjoy herself.and I left the room. Early Sunday morning I went into the room and another player had taken over my chair and she knows it also so tried to say good morning to me I just ignored her and left the room as I had been up all night not feeling very well. Well I was in there watching to see what she would say and she said she is upset because I have her chair and I just typed in and said you got that right. I did say that I felt she was being very rude and ignorant to do what she had been doing all the time. Most times I am very polite and if the line up gets too long I will go with another friend of mine and we will open another room so that players do not have to wait in the room long for a line up so they can play. It just makes me upset that there are a few people like that that are ruining the game for those of us who like to play there and yes some of us do have our certain preference for certain chairs there. Why do they just think they have the right to take a chair right when they know we are there. It is no wonder with ignorant players like that that the rooms are not full anymore. Some of us do have fun playing there but with people like 3 people who will do whatever they can to ruin the fun for those of us who do like to play there. For now unless things change I will not be returning to texas holdem for quite some time. i do not need the frustration or need to be associated with people who are doing this to long time players who have kept cashbreak going for so long. So you 3 know who you are continue to ruin the good game by doing what you are doing but also know that you have hurt the reputation of the texas holdem game that some of us have worked so hard to have a good time and have fun at the same time.
Sunday morning if she was already in chair then she a right to stay there. Jumping in someones chair when they go out to get chips very rude indeed if you have been watching jsut for that reason. Hodem was ruined a while back with people getting many accounts, not betting your hand, and so forth. If people have millions there is no way a new person coming stands a chance with a 300k bet on a pair or what they think they might get. Of course this is the only way some people can win, make others fold. Much easier to beat 1 person than 9 others. These people have no real clue as to how to really play the game. And the worst part is they dont care.
That is true what you said Adam but the woman who did that is also the one who will only stay in the room if she is winning all of the chips. My friend and I also tried to keep the betting to a limit which sometimes is hard to do but most of the players do respect that not all of us like to do the all in game. if they want to do that they either go to another room or my firend and I will move to another room. I know that not all of the players know how to play the game and you are right they do not care. They only care how many chips they have and do not care how they get them.
I like to see at least the first 3 cards before a big bet. If a big better is in there I try to raise in the beginning to get it to 5k before they have a chance to bet so big before we see the cards.
I agree Whiteice with your wanting to see cards before a big bet. I am not against big betting but I do like to see the cards before that happens to seei f I have a chance or not. I also want to say that I miss all my friends and playing with them right now but as it is i will not come in for abit more. I do not need the added stress and my friends all know that. I will come back in a few days and hope to see that things have changed. It is at a time like this you find out who are true friends and I do know that I have made a few in the years that I have been at cashbreak. It is just so sad to think that it only takes a few to ruin the game for those of us who love to play and have fun.