If Cashbreak has a problem they should informed the gold members that pay them every month. Seems a very simply fix when they started to have problems they should had emailed each gold member explaining what their problem was and when they expect to find the soloution to their problem. But,beginning in 2006 Cashbreak instead stopped paying winners. Emailing the site proved to be a waste of ones time and the same with calling them on the telephone. They answer no emails as a rule and one gold member they did send an email to a couple of months ago telling her the check was being mailed. I think that gold member is still checking her mailbox for her check that was never sent to her. The lieing and stealing by this site maybe exceptable to some people. But,many of us old time gold members have choose to leave the site due to principle. Even though we have left the site still we fight for our fellow players. We have been in contact with the Florida better business bureau and have gotten satisfaction with that department. Cashbreak actions spoke loud and clear when they refused to answer one letter the Florida better businesss bureau sent to them in regaurd to non-payment complaints filed. Cashbreak choose to do nothing which sent back the message they don't care what so ever about their gold members. We have been in touch with a number of other departments that have listen to our complaints. We have warn others about the stealing going on at Cashbreak by word of mouth,emails,chat rooms at other sites and any other way we can find to warn others of this on going cyber crime. Cashbreak has a problem it is called greed and they are holding up nicely as the faithful die hearts line their pockets twenty-four seven. I loved playing at Cashbreak and was a gold member for six years. But,I refuse to pay a theif even one penny because I can not aprove of any one taking advantage of seniors,disabled, people half blind,the poor,lonely and forgotten of in this world. I got an email from a gold member of nine years she at last won a jackpot last year. When she won she was so happy and excited after nine years of playing at Cashbreak. She as so many of us jackpot winners has never gotten her money. In her last email she told she has less then six months to live she has inccurable cancer. I will not be a part of funding this kind of low down faceless cyber crime. For me putting aside what I love to do and stepping up to the plate on the side of doing the right thing is right for me
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