As most of you know I am big on chatting in CB so I thought i would use to forum to tell you about myself. I am 56 married, have 3 kids and live in Clearfield Pa. I was born in Virginia and now live in Pa now thanks to WalMart . At age 50 I broke out in a rash and 14 months and 7 doctors later I was told I had dermatomyositis. Its a rare muscle disorder. I had never seen sick in my life before and had to go through cancer screenings. I do not do operations and tests LOL. I had to go 40 miles away to an open MRI and then they had to give me Valium and hubby had to come in and hold my hand. First few years had to drive 3 hours to see doctor because no one in area to treat me. Now they have a MDA clinic only 20 miles from here that I go to every 6 months. If you are interested in reading about dermatomyositis here is a page:
I want to add too that anyone who has a medical question can e mail me. I spend a lot of time doing research for me who have a medical question. Before cashbreak that is what I spent most of my time doing on the internet.