The thing about bingo that I really dread Is that I will sit there all hour and never see red. Beetle drops in and wins right away. Oh, why do I even bother to stay? But then a good story or joke is told, Or even Meeks sings with voice so bold. It's then I know I'm there to stay. Red or no red.......wouldn't have it any other way.
Thanks to my friends in Mega G.
Talk is cheap because supply always exceeds demand.
housework never killed anyone but why take the chance -------- l would give up chocolate...but l'm no quitter -------- he who laughs last...thinks slowest -------- l'm still hot...but it only comes in flashes now ------ my house was clean last week....too bad u missed it ------ l'm on a gin and tonic far l've lost 2 days ------ l'm only speeding cause l really have to poop ----- make urself at home....clean my kitchen ------ l didn't say it was ur fault...l said l was going to blame u
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