Please say a Prayer for Whiteice son. He is 35 and just found out he has stomach cancer. Whiteice, as you know we are best of friends and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
Whiteice I just want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I would like to say that i thought for sure the people at cashbreak would be kind enough to say something to you, But i guess you have to belong here a long time and know everyone to get a sorry.... This makes me mad that ppl can,t even say something. I looked and seen that they at least looked at the prayer page. Wonderfull ppl huh? Well if you need anything, i,m here for you.
Whiteice, I will keep you & your family in my Prayers--I'm very sorry to hear about your son, I wish you all the comfort you can find in this difficult time.
As a retired minister so often have I had to hold a hand, wipe a tear and wrap them in love through their journey. When you or a love one is faced with fighting diagnoiss of cancer, it natural to experience feelings like hopelessness, fear, and despair. It is in these moments , we are most in need of simple words that can bring comfort and hope.
I hold your son in the pure light of love, of all that is true and good That each droplet of drugs be like refeshing dew and the pure healing rain and save his life. For you and him and all that connected in love who are frightened, cease to be afraid. Where you may seem to be powerless, find power, and may people think of befriending one another.
WhiteIce, one of the most important things you can do is to keep your focus on seeing your Son whole and free of this. It is a Universal law, called Attraction, What you put out and or think, is what is going to come forth. You keep holding on that truth, no matter what the doctors say or what you think you are seeing. For that which is true and good is never lost, So you hang on My friend, and hold that light. This really works, Just ask Con.
I am always here for you if you need to talk, vent or need me to pray with you. Holding you as well, Rev. Maggie King, (Dabado)
If you don,t mind me asking. I really need some prayers for my sisters hubby. He has bone cancer, and it has spread to his brain, and starting to go to his organs. He may have about 6 months left. He just turned 50.
Yes it does Whiteice. Sam had a heart attack a few months back and we prayed alot (along with all of our wonderful friends at CB) and always focused on the positive and we got the blessing we wanted. Sam is doing better than ever and we are focusing on a healthier lifestyle.
Lilpeanut, we will pray for your sisters hubby as well. Our heart goes out to you and them, that is very difficult I'm sure. May God be with you and your family.